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The International Conference on Cemetery Studies was held with great suscess at the Harokopio University of Athens (April 18-20, 2024)


Αναμνηστική φωτογραφία Συνέδρων


The International Conference on Cemetery Studies was held with great success in the Ceremony Hall of the Harokopio University of Athens. The conference, organized by the Master’s Program “Education and Culture”, Department of Economics and Sustainable Development, Harokopio University of Athens (prof. Evangelia Georgitsoyanni) and the Cemetery Research Group, University of York, U.K. (Dr Julie Rugg), was kindly sponsored by the Municipality of Skiathos and the Municipality of Piraeus, to both of whom warm thanks are expressed.

The conference was attended by Greek and foreign academics and researchers from various European countries, from the US and from Asian countries, who presented the results of their researches on issues related to cemeteries (cultural heritage, history, society, ecology, tourism, etc.).

In the context of the conference, the volume Ancient Greek Art and European Funerary Art, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019 was also presented by Dr Julie Rugg, Director of the Cemetery Research Group- University of York, Professor emerita Ismini Kriari, former rector, Panteion University, the Mayor of Skiathos Thodoris Tzoumas and the editor of the volume, Evangelia Georgitsoyanni, professor of History of Art and Culture, Harokopio University.

On April 20, a guided visit to the Anastasis (Resurrection) Cemetery in Piraeus was held by Dr. Evangelia Bafouni, Director of Culture, Municipality of Piraeus; we thank her very much.


ICCS Athens 2024 Πρόγραμμα 11

ICCS Athens 2024 Πρόγραμμα 21

Ε. Γεωργιτσογιάννη J. Rugg Θ. Τζούμας Ι. Κριάρη Ε. Μπαφούνη ΙΙ

Κοιμητήριο Ανάσταση Πειραιάς
