Administrative Bodies


School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics

School of Digital Technology

School of Health Science and Education




Rectory Authorities

According to the Ministerial Decree No. 108182/Z1/21.08.2020 (Government Gazette 677/28.08.2020, section Y.O.D.D.) issued by the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, and the Rector’s decision No. 88285/04.09.2020 of Harokopio University of Athens, the Rectoral Authorities of Harokopio University of Athens for the period from 01.09.2020 to 31.08.2024 are as follows:

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Professor Maria Nikolaidi
Abeliotis photo
Vice Rector of Finance and Planning
Professor Konstantinos Abeliotis
Vice Rector of Academic Affairs and Quality Assurance
Professor Georgios Dedousis
Vice Rector of Administration and Student Welfare
Professor Georgios Malindretos
Vice Rector for Research, Development, and Lifelong Learning
Professor Christos Chalkias
Harokopio University of Athens began operating from the academic year 1993-1994. In its early years, it was governed successively by two Governing Committees.

The President of the first Governing Committee (1991-1996) was Athena Zamanis-Papapetrou, Professor at the University of Athens. The Deputy President was Georgios Karampatzos, Professor at Harokopio University of Athens. The members were Eleftherios Karagiannopoulos, Director of Planning and Studies at the Ministry of Education, Eftychia Kominatou-Pagoni, Director of the Technical Service at the University of Athens, Antonios Rigas, Professor at the University of Athens, Ιlias Sidiropoulos, Professor at Panteion University, and Nikolaos Tsoutsas, Lawyer – Legal Advisor of Harokopio University of Athens.

The President of the second Governing Committee (1996-1999) was Konstantinos Balis (†2000), Professor at the Agricultural University of Athens.

Since 1999, the University has had its own Rectoral Authorities, with the first Rector being Professor Georgios Karambatzos (†2011) and Deputy Rectors Professors Vassilios Stavrinou, Konstantinos Balis (†2000), and Andreas Kyriakousis (from 2000).

In 2004, Professor Andreas Kyriakousis was elected Rector, with Deputy Rectors Professors Smaragdi Antonopoulou and Aikaterini Maridaki-Kassotaki. From 01.01.2011 to 30.04.2011, Deputy Rector Smaragdi Antonopoulou served as Acting Rector, and from 01.05.2011 to 31.08.2011, Aik. Maridaki-Kassotaki served as Acting Rector.

From 01.09.2011 to 14.01.2016, Professor Demosthenes Anagnostopoulos served as Rector, with Deputy Rectors Professors Apostolos Papadopoulos and Evangelia Georgitsogianni.

From 15.01.2016 to 31.08.2020, Professor Maria Nikolaidi served as Rector, with Deputy Rectors Professors Demosthenes Panagiotakos (until 03.11.2019), Christos Chalkias, Konstantia-Aikaterini Lazaridi, and Associate Professor Konstantinos Abeliotis.

The current Rectoral Authorities of the University are: Rector Professor Maria Nikolaidi and Deputy Rectors Professors Konstantinos Ambeliotis, Georgios Dedousis, Georgios Malindretos, and Christos Chalkias.