Administrative Bodies


School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics

School of Digital Technology

School of Health Science and Education



Patent Announcement: Harokopio University of Athens & University of Economics and Business!

Harokopio University of Athens, in collaboration with the Athens University of Economics and Business, proudly announces the granting of a patent, a testament to the institutions’ commitment to excellence and innovation in scientific research and technology!

The title of the Invention is “Error prediction and predictive memory maintenance through real time machine learning methods”, with Application Number: DE 20230101013/06-12-2023 and Patentees the Athens University of Economics and Business (70%) and the Harokopio University of Athens (30%).

This patent is the result of dedicated efforts by the inventors: Elias Polytarchos, PhD student, Athens University of Economics and Business, Katerina Pramatari, Professor, Athens University of Economics and Business, Cleopatra Bardaki, Associate Professor, Dep. of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University of Athens.

This awarding marks an important success for both institutions, underscoring the pivotal role of academic research in developing advanced solutions with tangible real-world applications.