Administrative Bodies


School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics

School of Digital Technology

School of Health Science and Education




Ethics Committee


Regulation of the Research Ethics & Deontology Committee (E.H.D.E.)


According to Law 4521/2018, the Research Ethics & Deontology Committee (E.H.D.E.) is established and operates in each Higher Education Institution (A.E.I.) and in each research and technological center of Article 13A of Law 4310/2014 (hereinafter referred to as the research entity).

The purpose of the E.H.D.E. is to provide ethical and deontological assurance of the reliability of the research projects conducted at Harokopio University.

The E.H.D.E. ensures that a research project is carried out with respect for the value of human beings, the autonomy of the participating individuals, their private lives and personal data, as well as the natural and cultural environment. The Committee also ensures the adherence to generally accepted principles of research integrity.

The formation of the E.H.D.E. at Harokopio University was carried out by the Rector’s Decision No. 99037/14.03.2022, in accordance with the relevant law.

The composition of the Research Ethics & Deontology Committee (E.H.D.E.) is as follows:

  • Demosthenes Panagiotakos, Professor at Harokopio University and his deputy Meropi Kontogianni, Associate Professor at Harokopio University as President
  • Thomas Maloutas, Emeritus Professor at Harokopio University and his deputy Pavlos-Marinis Delladetsimas, Emeritus Professor at Harokopio University, as Vice President
  • Konstantinos Priftis, retired Associate Professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and his deputy Dimitrios Dakrotsis, Doctor of Philosophy and lecturer at the University of West Attica, as member
  • Malvina Vamvakari, Professor at Harokopio University and her deputy Konstantinos Tserpes, Associate Professor at Harokopio University, as member
  • Konstantinos Tsigos, Professor at Harokopio University and his deputy Vasilios Detsis, Associate Professor at Harokopio University, as member

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Secretarial Support: Antigoni Tsiafitsa