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School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics

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School of Health Science and Education



Applications for International Master Program (MSc): «Sustainable Tourism Development: Cultural Heritage, Environment, Society»

New round of applications until the 14 th of June 2019, for the academic year 2019-20

The International Master Program (MSc): «Sustainable Tourism Development: Cultural Heritage, Environment, Society» launches its 2nd year of operation and invites all interested to submit their candidacy by June 14 th , for the academic year 2019 – 2020. The Program is implemented through the pioneer cooperation of three Universities: the Harokopio University (Department of Home Economics and Ecology, Department of Geography, Department of Informatics and Telematics), the University of the Aegean (Department of Business Administration) and Université Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne (IREST – Institute de Recherche et d' Études Supérieures du Tourisme). The Program, by adopting the most innovative educational practices, puts at the center of interest the provision of high-quality specialized training which meets the needs of modern professions related to Sustainable Tourism Development, Exploitation and Management of Cultural Heritage, focusing on issues related to:

  • Sustainable Tourism Development
  • Interconnection between Culture and Tourism
  • Management and Marketing of the Cultural Heritage
  • Development and Administration of Tourism Destinations
  • Economy of Tourism
  • Protection of the Environment in Touristic areas

The Programs Professors come from all the three Universities. In addition, all courses are conducted in English, are held at Harokopio University and are full-time, with a duration of 12 months. The Program consists of two intensive Semesters, during which theoretical and seminar courses, as well as lectures take place, covering the wide range of Tourism Management and Cultural Heritage. The Program is completed through Practical Training and Diploma Thesis. More details and clarifications about the Program and the application process, can
be found by clicking here.

You can download the call for applications by clicking here.