Administrative Bodies


School of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics

School of Digital Technology

School of Health Science and Education



Here is where your journey begins!

Start building your foundational knowledge and practical experience in the field of study you have chosen!


Join us at the International Workshop on Applied Economics and Sustainability!!

TORNADO Project Kick-Off Meeting!

EU-Funded Project ACCELERATE kick-off at Harokopio University of Athens

The first interdisciplinary IAU (The International Astronomical Union) Symposium between Astrophysics and Computer Science at the Harokopio University of Athens!

Kick-off meeting for the European Project “TRIFFID” at the Harokopio University of Athens

Harokopio University of Athens: Ranked 2nd in Greece and achieved global recognition in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025!

A warm welcome to Erasmus+ students from 9 European countries!

Professor Maria Nikolaιdi visited Shanghai Polytechnic University: an important step in strengthening academic ties!

2nd Transnational Project Meeting of the “Culture Couture – Merging Fashion and Tradition for Sustainable Style” Erasmus+ project!

Harokopio University of Athens: A Strong Debut at the NAFSA 2024 Annual Conference & Expo!

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Economics & Sustainable Development
Nutrition & Dietetics
Informatics & Telematics